Monday, June 1, 2009

The Year of 100 Dinners

Can you imagine, that eating a meal here could feed a community in Africa?  Have you always wanted to make a difference, but did not know how?  Imagine hosting a dinner for no other reason but to eat, socialize, and come together for a cause bigger than yourself. 


You as a supporter of the Camphor Mission, will invite friends, family, neighbors, and/or colleagues to a dinner.  You can host this gathering in your home, restaurants, party centers, parks, or even your workplace to enjoy a meal and raise funds to support the Camphor Mission Station in Liberia.  Participants agree to host an event and ask their guests to make a financial donation to Camphor Mission Station.  The possibilities are endless!

By particiapting in The Year of 100 Dinners you will learn more about the people and the needs at the Camphor Mission Station in Liberia. 

         300 students at the J.F. Yancy School

         100 of the students are boarding

         need for a full feeding program

         need for missionary housing

         need for 300 mosquito nets

         need for student scholarships

         need for clean water sources in local villages

         need for reliable vehicle

         and so many other needs that occur daily.


Even though the needs are many, through the combined effort of Mentor UMC folks, the many congregations in the East Ohio Conference, and the community beyond the church walls, these needs and more will be met. 

How would money be used at the Camphor Mission Station? 

  • $25 pays for 5 gallons of kerosene to fuel clinic refrigeration for vaccinations.
  • $25 sends a child to school for a month
  • $80 pays a teacher salary for one month
  • $1000 pats a teacher salary for a year
  • $2000 pays for a well in a village
  • $2000 supports Danny and Kathy as missionaries for a month
  • $3000 pays for clean sanitation/toilet    How does the Year of 100 Dinners work?


    Who can host a dinner?  Anyone.  You don’t need to be a member of Mentor UMC to host an event.


    How do I host a dinner?  Send invitations, use evites (, call friends, organize a dinner.  The Virtual Hostess is available to help you plan your event.  They will supply you with brochures and a DVD that helps to give more details about the Camphor Mission Station.  You will be empowered to share this information with your guests at dinner.  You and your guest will be surprised by how much you will learn.


    When and Where to have a dinner?  Any time, any place.  Be creative.


    Some suggestions




    Pool Party

    Block Party

    Dinner Party        

    Ice Cream Social

    In leiu of gifts for Birthday

    Themed dinners i.e. Chinese night, Taco Tuesday

    Meal with an already organized group in your life

    The sky is the limit!

    Monetary Donations  Checks can be written to Mentor UMC with Camphor Mission in the memo.  Mailed to Mentor UMC 8600 Mentor Ave. , Mentor, Ohio 44060  Attention: Joan Sadler, Treasurer

    Virtual Hostess will answer any other questions you may have about hosting one of our Year of 100 Dinners.

    Why host a dinner?  This is a great way for everyone to make a difference.  By participating in one of these events, dinner hosts and guests have the honor in their own small way to show people in Liberia that they matter and that they are loved. 

    If you host a dinner, let us know who is there, what kind of event you are holding, send us a photo to add to the blog and let us know how much you raised!  You are a part of an exciting project!  Peace and thanks,

    Kathy and Danny Dickriede

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