We will have our first team meeting for the February 15-March 3, 2014 UMVIM trip to Camphor Mission Station. The meeting will be held in the Macedonia area at 2:00 on Sunday, September 29th. Contact Kathy Dickriede with questions leading up to the meeting, kdickriede@mentorumc.org. In the meantime, here is the application to complete and bring to the meeting.
Camphor Mission has a clinic, a boarding
school, a church, and an agriculture department.
UMVIM teams will sleep in single beds with
mosquito nets. Food will be mostly
rice and vegetables with chicken or fish.
Time will be spent in the school with teacher,
tutoring students, and perhaps painting classrooms. The clinic is very rural and does not do a lot of medicine.
Time will be spent with the traditional birth attendants and doing outreach to
rural village for vaccination and water wells. It is always possible to be at work in the agriculture
fields and working with the newly formed 4-H group on the mission. Building relationships with staff and
students and the people in the surrounding village is always the priority.
Possible construction jobs on new housing and
renovations on current staff housing.
Cost is $3000 for airfare, food, lodging, and
in country travel. Additional
costs for VISAS, immunizations, and souveniers.
Required Immunization is the Yellow Fever
Strongly suggested Typhoid, Hep A, Hep B, Tetanus/Diphtheria booster, Measles
Booster, Polio Booster, Influenza.
Malaria prophylaxis mandatory.
We will also spend some time at the end of the
trip in Monrovia doing some site seeing and seeing urban UMC sites.
Team meetings (3 total) will be once a month
beginning September 29th running through November.